Mindfulness Based Coach Camp プライバシーポリシー

個人情報保護に関する基本方針/Privacy Policy

エムビーシーシー合同会社(以下、「当社」という)がお客様に商品、サービス等をご提供するにあたり、お客様の個人情報を提供していただくことがあります。当社はお客様の個人情報保護の重要性を強く認識し、健全で有意義なお付き合いと信頼関係の構築、維持に努め ます。つきましては、お客様の個人情報の保護に万全を期すべく、ここに当社としての個人情報保護方針(以下、「本方針」という。)を公開いたします。

MBCC LLC (here in after ”the Company”) may ask you to provide us with your personal information in order to provide you with our products, services, etc. We strongly recognize the importance of protecting the personal information of our customers and strive to build and maintain a sound and meaningful relationship with them and a relationship of trust. Therefore, in order to ensure the protection of our customers’ personal information, we hereby disclose our privacy policy (hereinafter “Policy”).

1.利用目的/Purpose of Use


・セミナーや勉強会、出版物のリリースその他、当社の事業に関わるご案内等を提供するため、 郵便、電子メール等の方法によりお知らせすること
・当社の事業に関わる国内外の情報について、郵便、電子メール等の方法によりお知らせする こと

The Company will acquire and appropriately use your personal information within the scope of the purposes specified below.
・To inform you of seminars, workshops, publication releases, and other information related to the Company’s business by mail, e-mail, or other methods.
・To inform you of domestic and international information related to the Company’s business by mail, e-mail, or other methods.
・To conduct surveys such as questionnaires in order to promote activities in line with the Company’s business objectives.
・To verify the identity of customers and to provide credit card authentication services.
・To create and use statistical information to the extent that individuals cannot be identified.
・To analyze data necessary for new development related to the Company’s business.
・To exercise rights and fulfill obligations based on contracts and laws, etc.
・To provide after-sales service and respond to various inquiries.

2.個人情報の第三者提供/Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties


・人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ること が困難であるとき
・公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本 人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent of the customer, except in the following cases. However, this excludes cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.

・When required by law.
・When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
・When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
・When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
・When we have obtained prior consent to provide the information to a third party.


当社は、情報処理などの業務の全部または一部を外部に委託する際に、当該委託先に個人情報を開示する場合があります。当該委託先に個人情報の開示を行う場合には、十分な個人情 報保護水準を確保していることを条件として委託先を選定し、機密保持契約を結んだ上で開示します。

When the Company outsources all or part of the business operations, such as information processing, we disclose personal information to the relevant outsourcing company.
When disclosing personal information to such subcontractors, the Company will select such subcontractors on the condition that we have secured an adequate level of personal information protection, and will disclose such information only after concluding a nondisclosure agreement with such subcontractors.

4.共同利用/Joint use


The Company will share the personal data of their customers within the following scope in order to achieve the purposes of use described in 1.

(1)共同して利用される個人データの項目/Items of Personal Data to be Shared
All personal data of the customer, unless otherwise requested by the customer

(2)共同して利用する者の範囲/Scope of Joint use
(However, this is limited to cases where the following persons have a place of business in Japan or conduct business activities in Japan)
① International Coaching Federation
② Right Question Institute

(3)共同して利用する者の利用目的/Purposes of use by persons with whom the Company shares information
前記 1.利用目的に同じ(ただし、日本の居住者等国内にある者に対する物品やサービスの 提供に関連する場合に限る。)
Same as 1. Purpose of Use above.(However, limited to cases related to the provision of goods and services to persons in Japan, such as residents of Japan.)

Name or title of the person responsible for the management of such personal data:MBCC LLC.

5.情報の開示等/Disclosure of Information, etc.

当社は、お客様がご本人様の個人情報の確認、訂正等を希望される場合は、当社の定める書 面の提出により開示に応じます。開示請求にあたっては、当社のお問い合わせ窓口までお問い合わせください。開示請求を希望される場合は、ご本人であることが確認できるもの(保険証、運転免許証等)をご用意ください。なお、個人情報の開示にあたっての手数料等は一切不要です。

If you wish to confirm or correct your personal information, the Company will respond to your request for disclosure by submitting a document specified by them. To make a request for disclosure, please contact the Company’s inquiry desk. If you wish to make a request for disclosure, please have something ready that confirms your identity(insurance card, driver’s license, etc.). Please note that no fees or other charges are required for the disclosure of personal information.

6.適正管理/Proper Management


To the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use, the Company will endeavor to manage personal information in an accurate and up-to-date manner, and will continuously take necessary security measures, both technically and organizationally, to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, and other risks. In addition, the Company will provide necessary and appropriate training and supervision of our employees to ensure the safe management of personal information.

7.問い合わせ/Contact Information


For inquiries regarding personal information management, or requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, deletion, or cessation of use or provision to third parties, please contact us at the following. 



8.本方針の変更/Changes to this Policy

当社は、必要に応じて本方針の内容を変更することができるものとします。変更後の内容は 当社が管理するウェブサイト上において変更した本方針を掲載するものとします。なお、法 令上お客様の同意が必要となる内容の変更の場合は、当社所定の方法でお客様の同意を得るものとします。

The Company reserves the right to change the content of this policy as necessary. The Company shall post the changed contents of this policy on the website managed by us. In the event that the Company are required by law to obtain the consent of the customer, we shall obtain the customer’s consent in the manner prescribed by us.

エムビーシーシー合同会社 代表社員 吉田典生

CEO at MBCC LLC  Tensei Yoshida